RE: RARA-AVIS: The American Way (was serial killers)

From: Words from the Monastery (
Date: 04 Mar 2000

Harris and Oates aren't for your average discount bookstore reader, both require a far more sophisticated individual leaning towards the intellectual who can appreciate the depth of their work which is more fictionalized reality than make believe heroics. Granted, Patterson and Patricia Cornwell as well as a whole busload of other wannabes writing in the genre are nothing more than hacks.

volente Deo,

Anthony Dauer Alexandria, Virginia

"I know. We are ... the lucky ones." Bif Naked, 1999

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:]On
> Behalf Of a.n.smith

> On the basis of Red Dragon, maybe. Many think Red Dragon was the
> beginning
> of the real serial killer thriller craze, and think it is still the best
> one. So, Silence rode on its coattails. And then this godawful Hannibal?
> Those are the only two books the guy has written since RD. Critics
> sometimes go easy on people they liked the first time around, and
> keep going
> easy for far too long.

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