Re: RARA-AVIS: Pay for weight

From: Timothy S. Oliver (
Date: 03 Mar 2000

Doug said-

> You know, instead of picking on the poor guy :) we
> ought to realize that this sort of thinking must be
> very common, or we wouldn't have so many padded books.
> Could it be something as simple as price? Would people
> buy a good, reasonably short book -- like Joe
> Lansdale's SAVAGE SEASON -- if it were promoted
> properly and priced cheaper?

I don't really care how long a book is.

I'm pissed because paperbacks now cost almost seven bucks. That's a big increase compared to inflation.

My gauge is a six-pack. When you could get a six-pack for $1.00, a paperback was $0.60. Now a sixer runs about $4.00 and a paperback is nearly twice that.

What's the deal? Is the public so hooked on reading that the market can bear such a price? Sure. And pigs fly.

Is it the price of paper? Are writers making obscene profits? Is it a tax (attacks) on readers?

This part of the string is probably OT, but, Enquiring minds want to know!

Tim Oliver

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