RARA-AVIS: Pay for weight

From: David White ( dpwhite@eden.rutgers.edu)
Date: 02 Mar 2000

Okay... let me rephrase... I don't mind short books and in fact a lot of times I like them... What gets my goat is when I got to a Barnes and noble and have to shell out 6.99 for Mortal STakes (my personal Spenser fav whihc is pretty short) or Sins of the Father another great book that's only 180 pages...No, if I'm going to read those books I head down to my local 2nd hand store and pick them up for 2.50... INstead, if I'm going to by a book for 6.99 I'm more likely to pick up Michael Connely or Elmore Leonard... whose books are usually considerably longer...and now I have the undying urge to say so there! Hi Vicky


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