RARA-AVIS: Richard Wormser (was Ever Read . . .)

From: pabergin ( pabergin@gte.net)
Date: 29 Feb 2000

Since Prof. Crider brought him up, I thought I'd mention that I get a lot of laughs (and actually make a fair number of deals) behind a business card I use listing everything I am prepared to write for money. I stole the idea --without attribution or apology -- after reading something years ago about Wormser's stationery. Since these are gag cards, I keep changing the highlights/services -- my current hits (judging from feedback, if not actual jobs) being Ransom Notes, Plausible Excuses and Scriptural Justification.

Wormser, according to the piece I read, at one time had stationery which listed everything (and I do mean everything; the list ran down the entire left margin of the page) that he was willing to write for a buck. And he had either a grand view of his talents, a healthy sense of humor, or a contempt for the idea that anyone would ever catch him up. According to a friend who claims to have seen a sheet of the actual stationery (I have not) RW would contract to write REAL INDIAN LEGENDS (among many other bizarre/esoteric things) for a few cents a word.

He must've been a fun guy. PB

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