RE: RARA-AVIS: Noir Fiction - First UK/US Use?

From: John & Carrie (
Date: 22 Feb 2000

Paul sed:

> I am trying to pin down the first modern use of the term 'Noir' fiction
> in America or the UK. I know the history and use of Noir as a French
> term. Somebody told me that the Black Lizard books (c1985) used the term
> Noir fiction. Perhaps the the Zomba Black Books (c1984) in the UK also
> used it. Can anybody put me right?

George Tuttle at credits Barry Gifford using the term in the Introduction to Jim Thomson's A Hell of a Woman in the 1984 Black Lizard reprint. But, the French had been using the term "roman noir" for quite some time before. There are subtle differences between the two.

Sounds like a job for Etienne!


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