RARA-AVIS: Mortal Nuts, Crais

From: dcannon1@ix.netcom.com
Date: 08 Feb 2000

But, the Mortal Nuts exactly describes what the book is about. It's a term that was derived from Immortal Nuts and refers to someone having the balls to hang in there, on a big hand in poker. After reading the book, I've actually heard the term used in that context. Before I'd read it, though, it was unfamiliar. I think most good titles are a bit enigmatic, they get the potential reader wondering what the book might be about, at least enough to pick the book up. That means they are that much closer to buying the book.

Crais's next book is a stand alone thriller and not in the Elvis Cole series. He's mentioned what it was about, but I didn't keep track as I would read anything he wrote.

Don Cannon

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