Wild Bill wrote:
>I think we can close this subject now, since most of
those mentioned don't
>seem to be hardboiled.
Hey, doesn't bug me if we slammed the lid on this topic, but
if you're referring to my list, I think a good case for their
hardboiled status could be made for most of them. Certainly
Manville Moon and Sid Halley and Dan Fortune and Slot Machine
and several of the walking wounded from the pages of Dime
Detective would definitely qualify as being suitably
hard-boiled enough for the oh-so-refined tastes of the
members of this list.
And yeah, Sharon, the original point about cellphones was
probably a joke (though your response was much funnier), but
my own response was serious. I mean, yeah, I love the old
stuff, but that doesn't mean I want the new stuff to pretend
that the last forty or fifty years didn't happen.
Kevin Burton Smith The Thrilling Detective Web Site http://www.colba.net/~kvnsmith/thrillingdetective/
This month: New fiction by Don McGregor and Mark Coggins,
plus the Thrillies!
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