The same way that a phone would be used to call his police
lieutenant buddy at the precinct or their client or to see
check and see who answers the phone when they dial the number
they just found scribbled on scrap of paper in the corpse's
right pocket, etc. Dicks didn't refrain from using modern
technology of their time frames ... I do not see any point in
stopping a modern dick from using the tech of theirs. It's
not like Phillip Marlowe road up to his client's house on
horseback ...
Juri Nummelin wrote:
> Well, what do I need to say as an inhabitant of the
country where over
> the half of the population uses a cellphone every
day, every hour,
> almost every minute? Certainly they could be used by
a P.I., but how? If
> he's on a stakeout, he should be quiet... and not
babble on the phone.
-- volente Deo,
Anthony Dauer Alexandria, Virginia
Practice random acts of Xeroxing!
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