Sean Hanlon
has a small series on an Alaskan journalist and disk jockey
who is forced into strange adventures as a reluctant sleuth.
He has a polio deformity and brings it up often. But that
deformity does not prevent him from being a consummate
smartass and womanizer. The series is loaded with gallows
humor. The series is also cursed with varying quality. One
book can be great, one book can stink, one book can start
good and go really bad.
> Russell Gray/Bruno Fischer is cited time after time
as the creator
> of the most interesting characters. Calvin Kane, for
example, had a
> deformed body, sidling along "like a crab as he
dragged his withered
> right leg along. One shoulder was six inches higher
than the other. But
> he had one physical advantage: arms like
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