I meant to comment earlier when the book of the month was
being discussed more heavily. Since, it's the end of the
month, I'll just throw in my two bits. Incidentally, I reread
Red Harvest last Fall, so it's not crystal clear. The one
thing that struck me (and I mean to be a lttle provocative)
is that the Op is a little different than he is in the
stories. Maybe it's the magnitude of the case, but Hammett
does try to do something more with his detective, I think. It
seems like the Op goes a little nuts ("blood simple" is his
term). He does more than just bucking what the Old Man would
want and actually fuels the violence with somewhat shaky
justification (maybe). Are there stories where the Op goes
off the deep end in a similar way? Duggan? Doherty? --The
other Doug
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