From: Mark Blumenthal (
Date: 26 Jan 2000

 Rick Robinson:
>I'm a 40-page-and-out guy myself. As someone
> here said, too many books to fool with something I'm not
> enjoying reading. There have been times when someone has
> convinced me that a later book by an author is so good I
> ought to him that author second chance, but I can count
> those instances on a hand and have the thumb free.

In a science fiction con I was at ince someone suggested reading page 1117 before you buy a book. Of course it doesn't have to be that exact page, but if you read a book in the middle you won't miss authors whose books start very slowly. If I want to turn to the next page I buy the book.It's not infallible, but I've found it helps keep my tbr pile down somewhat because I reject books that aren't compelling at that point. Mark

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