On Thu, 20 Jan 2000, James Rogers wrote:
> Good job. The only one on the list I recognize is
Emile Tepperman.
> Where did you get so much info on these guys? I'm
actually gonna save this
> list.
Thanks for compliments. Emile Tepperman is good, he's like
Carroll John Daly, but totally without his confused plots but
with all his violence, at least in his Ed Race stories, some
of which have actually been anthologized (available through
Pulp Fiction Central, whose URL escapes me at the
Where did I get the info? Peeping the tiny pictures from the
books that reproduce the covers of pulp magazines. Well, I
had a good source book: Michael Cook's "Detective, Thriller
and Espionage Magazines" - which seems to be available
through abebooks at 75 $. It lists every known pulp magazine
ever printed, but the lack of free copy libraries in the US
seems to have prevented checking them all. (In Finland we
have a law that at least three copies of every work in print,
including leaflets and advertisements, must be sent to the
university libraries. That's what I mean by a free copy
All information I manage to gather about pulp authors will be
in my pulp/paperback bibliography, but only in Finnish!
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