Mark Blumenthal wrote:
> As one who has had both, I can definitely state that
cats are a hell of a
> lot more hard boiled than dogs. They are the
independent loners. Dogs crave
> your attention. Cats suffer it.
We're gonna get slapped for drifting into a cat thing here,
but as someone who has both, I can tell you that I am typing
with two purring cats in my lap and a dog at my feet. Maybe
your cats are independent loners. Mine are all over me. When
I sit, they stake out my lap. When I sleep, they climb on top
of me and knead obsessively. The dog stays on the floor, only
occasionally resting his chin politely on my knee -- when the
cats allow it, that is.
Hardboiled cats? Not in my house.
'Course they're tough as hell on the neighborhood birds and
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