Jim Doherty wrote,
>Also his third Edgar, making him one of only two
people to get three Edgars
>in three different categories (the other two
categories are best novel '67
>and best short story in, I think, the mid-80s). The
other three-time
>winner is Joe Gores.
For the record, there is another writer who won the Edgar
three times in three different categories: best first novel,
best paperback original, and best critical work. William L.
DeAndrea won the three Edgars for KILLED IN THE RATINGS
(first novel, 1978); THE HOG MURDER (paperback, 1979); and
Would you know who are Edgar winners (plural) who won three
Edgars in the same categories? No, it is not off-topic.
(hint, hint) Sorry, no prize.
Jiro Kimura
********************************************* Jiro Kimura
Kanazawa, JAPAN e-mail:
jkimura@nsknet.or.jp The Gumshoe Site (http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~jkimura/)
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