RARA-AVIS: Frederic Brown Bargain Price

From: Joe Hoffman ( ljhoffman@worldnet.att.net)
Date: 11 Jan 2000

Jane writes:

>>FREDERIC BROWN We have an early 80s collection by BLACK BOX which
includes; Night of the Jabberwock The Screaming Mimi Knock 3 2 1 The Fabulous Clipjoint. and all for the bargain price of £5.95.>>

Hi Jane:

I have been looking for a copy of Night of the Jabberwock recently and haven't been able to find one reasonably priced. Combined with the others, sound like a deal. I'll take it, if still available.

Please e-mail me privately and see how we can work this across-the-ocean exchange. Thanks.

Anita Hoffman

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