> Jim Doherty mentioned his belief that most people on
this list were first
> "blown away" by a hard-boiled writer while they were
in high school. I'm
> wondering if that is true, just as I am wondering if
most of you were born
> after '58, as another recent post
Teri, I said most of us were born after '58 just to
illustrate how surprised I was that so many of us we were
listing authors who were writing well before we were able to
read their original publications. I said 'probably' and have
no factually based idea of ages. Like Bill I graduated high
school in '59, but the only mysteries I had read were all the
Sherlock Holmes. For pleasure fiction I read sf almost
exclusively. I didn't start reading a lot of hb until well
into the '60's and then only when I found an author who
really impressed me like Hammett, Chandler or Ross MacDonald.
I started reading hb more extensively in the early '90's when
I tired of sf-- about 30 years after Bill.. Mark
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