Pat Zeitoun (
Fri, 31 Dec 1999 18:11:07 -0600
Manuel Ramos wrote: Snipped-
"I think he's hard boiled and noir and funny, but opinions
differ about him.
Manuel Ramos"
Manuel, this is the first time I've seen you posting here.
What a delightful surprise. I wanted to nominate you among my
top 5, but cannot figure a way Luis Montez is noir or HB.
Would you be insulted if I suggested that Luis Montez has a
strong wimp factor that prevents him from being considered a
tough guy? When is another book coming out? I've read through
"Blues for the Buffalo", and loved them all!
I saw the piece about Taibo and Semana Negra on
"Sunday Morning" TV . I want to read him as well.
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