Re: RARA-AVIS: Woolrich story or novel

Greg Swan (
Sat, 11 Dec 1999 18:23:03 -0700

As I recall, "The Dancing Detective" was reprinted in a collection of short stories called "The Dancing Detective" under the William Irish pseudonym. Both hard- and softcover editions exist. I also think the story got reprinted in a few other places . . . maybe an Ellery Queen or Saint mystery anthology? I think I've got that on a shelf somewhere, but that makes it as good as lost. :-) I do not know if the story was expanded for its publication in the anthology books. Probably not.

Greg Swan

: I'm looking for a Cornell Woolrich piece called "The Dancing Detective."
: searching the ABE, I've found references to it as (apparently) a novel and
: possibly (also?) a short story magazine piece. I'm looking for whatever
: the most complete version, if indeed more than one version exists. Does
: anyone know the story or its publication information?

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