Re: Non-Marlowe Chandler [Was: RARA-AVIS: Re: April Evil]

Bruce Townley (
Tue, 7 Dec 1999 06:42:43 -0800 (PST)

On Mon, 06 Dec 1999 at 09:44 James Rogers sent: Re: Non-Marlowe Chandler
[Was: RARA-AVIS: Re: April Evil]

>At 01:25 PM 12/6/99 +0000, Mr. Duggan wrote:
>>On the subject of Marlowe, can anyone here offer any pointers to
>>secondary reading on Marlowe and LA?
> I have a sort of photographic-essay book on LA called _Chandlertown_
>with references to the locales in various stories. I also seem to remember
>a similar book that came out a few years ago.

Sounds like you're describing RAYMOND CHANDLER'S LOS ANGELES (Elizabeth Ward and Alain Silver, The Overlook Press 1987). There's swatches of text excerpted from Chandler's stories, faced with contemporary shots of LA and environs, looking very, well, Chanderlesque. Informative editorial additions complete a handy aide to exploring the man's output as well as the area that he painted such an incadescent portrait of.

Bruce T. =
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Toad-skin: A one-dollar bill.


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