Re: RARA-AVIS: John Tiger and E.S. Gardner

Juri Nummelin (
Fri, 3 Dec 1999 14:48:12 +0200 (EET)

On Thu, 2 Dec 1999, John Woolley wrote:

> And I answer, I haven't a clue. As far as I can tell, "Hot
> Cash" has never been anthologized, and I don't have a copy of
> the Black Mask it was in. (Incidentally, and confusingly for
> bibiographers, there was another Gardner story called "Hot
> Cash", this one starring Lester Leith, in Detective Fiction
> Weekly, 23 May 1931 -- not the only time Gardner reused a
> title.)

I was going to tell what happens in the translated story, but it now seems that it's not necessary. Well, the Finnish pulp publishing world is full of mysteries - what possibly did they think to achieve not giving the authors' names? Were there anonymous authors in Black Mask and other American pulps?


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