pabergin (
Wed, 1 Dec 1999 21:04:10 -0500
It's Dec. first, therefore I can officially say something
about Loren Estleman's masterpiece NEVER STREET, a book I
have mentioned before.
Amos Walker is an anachronism. As, possibly, are all of the
PIs in print but, in NS, Estleman shows how a character (and
a character type?) as out of sync with what is contemporary
America as Walker is can be made relevant again. Put him
where he belongs. In a world, literally, of light and shadow.
See what he does. In a world or situation absent logic and
any clear or binding temporal reference, Illusion (read:
movies) makes as much sense as anything else. More sense,
If you're chasing a shadow, look to shadows.
The final scene in the old movie palace is as stunning a
piece of work as has been done by any crime fiction writer.
Ever. Period. I wonder how long it'll take some Hollywood
wunderkind to wake up and say (as if the idea were original),
"Hey, this'd make a GREAT fucking MOVIE."
7 or 8 years, probably. Provided they start getting some
brighter wunderkinds out there. PB
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