Brian Lawrence (
22 Nov 99 11:15:17 CST
Thought I'd introduce myself as well as post a question. I'm
new to the list and a writer and a reader of hardboiled and
other mystery / suspense stuff. My first book, while not a
detective novel, has been called hardboiled by some
reviewers. I'm not sure, myself. I simply wrote it, didn't
worry about classifying it. Anyway, if you're interested, you
can check out my web page. By the way, the book is sold in
electronic form only.
Now, for my question. Today's trend seems to be to give the
detective more of a real life. They are becoming much more
sensitive. While the mood often stays "dark", the detective
is closer to being a real person.
Does this trend change the definition of hardboiled? And what
are your thoughts on this trend? Finally, would, say, the
Spenser books be classified as hardboiled?
Brian Lawrence
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