a.n.smith (ansmith@netdoor.com)
Tue, 2 Nov 1999 14:38:16 -0600
>There is a definite undercurrent of
> ideology here -- the plastic surgeon who couldn't
make a legitimate
> living because of his Commy connections, and Stubbs,
who was beaten into
> submission by strike-breakers. It seems like
Westlake is almost telling
> us that Parker does what he does as part of the
class struggle.
Certainly. Woody Haut spends some time talking about this in
his "Neon Noir" study. Especially when talking about the next
in the series, "The Outfit," where Parker send the call out
to all his independent criminal associates to make that big
score against the big lazy crime syndicate The Outfit (almost
like a corporation instead of a mob) because it stiffed him
out of some money. How the little guy can hurt the big guy,
all that.
Neil Smith
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