Juri Nummelin (jurnum@utu.fi)
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 14:39:26 +0300 (EET DST)
On Tue, 26 Oct 1999, Victoria Esposito-Shea wrote:
> Oh, and Martha--I'd say that The Dain Curse is the
weakest of Hammett's
> novels, but I still enjoy it. FWIW.
What makes "The Thin Man" a better novel than "The Dain
Curse"? As far as I'm concerned, "The Thin Man" is almost
unreadable - there's no coherence at all and it wasn't a
serial like the Dain book. Without the charming Nick and Nora
films I'd like to forget that "The Thin Man" even
Juri jurnum@utu.fi
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