RARA-AVIS: Get Carter

Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:13:07 EDT

Bill Crider writes:

<< I finally got around to reading that movie edition paperback of GET CARTER that
 I picked up in Milwaukee while at the Bouchercon. It was certainly as hardboiled
 as promised, very bleak, with a setting that mirrored the plot. Walter Satterthwait
 tells me that Slyvester Stallone is doing a re-make of the movie (which I've
 never seen) and that the setting will be changed to L.A. Sounds like a mistake. >>

Get Carter was one of the more memorable books I've read this last year (I got the movie edition for a buck, price marked on with red wax pencil). I saw the film last Friday and enjoyed it a lot. It's very faithful to the book (except for a slightly altered ending); it also compresses some areas, naturally. The Stallone remake seems like it might already be missing one point. Carter is the boy who's done good--as a thug--and then returns to his provincial home (of sorts--I don't want to offend anybody by calling Newcastle provincial) to clean up/make right. For the Stallone setting, he'd have to be in L.A., but travel to Fresno or Bakersfield or some such.


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