Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Hammett and Daly

Philip Benz (
Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:21:32 +0200

Kevin sez:
<< Does LAST MAN STANDING actually credit Hammett ? Yikes! The film should really credit Daly. I mean, come on. Bang! Bang! Bang!--Literary reference to Hammett--Bang! Bang! Bang! >>

Yes, there is rather... a lot of gunfire. No, I don't recall any actual reference to Hammett (though I was only able to see the film in its French-dubbed version) but the voiceover and the situation and the raw, tough-guy-protector-of-dames character Willis plays incited me to ask you ornery and knowledgeable lot about the connection.

Quite a shift from _TMF_ to _Last Man Standing_, eh? IIRC, in _TMF_ the only gunfire takes place offscreen, unless you count the surreal Archer's death scene. Also _Last Man Standing_ lacks that quintessential film noir character, the femme fatale.

So why is it that my students keep asking me to use more *recent* film clips in my class? They only have eyes for _Goldeneye_.

BTW, as long as I've got your attention, can anyone give me refs for a film version of Roald Dahl's "Lamb to the Slaughter"?

Cheers, --- Phil Lyc饠Astier, Aubenas, France

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