RE: RARA-AVIS: Hammett & feminists & postmodernism

Martha Fischer (
Mon, 25 Oct 1999 07:46:18 -0500

while i don't walk around thinking "I'M A FEMINIST!!!", hammett's depiction of women is the main reason i don't like his books much. apart from nora charles (who i believe is based on lillian hellman, a woman he clearly adored and respected, at least on some level), i find his women to be tiresomely cookie-cutter. they seem to be either the product of male dreams or boyish girl fridays.

martha <>

-----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Victoria Esposito-Shea Sent: Monday, October 25, 1999 7:19 AM To: Subject: RARA-AVIS: Hammett & feminists & postmodernism

 Feminists hate Hammett?
: Oh, come on. In the real world, being a feminist and liking Hammet
: are not mutually exclusive. Let's leave the conspiracy theories for
: the self-obsessed, artificial, closed world of academia and the
: paranoid alternative universe of talk radio call-in shows.
: As a feminist myself, I see relatively little in Hammett's work that
: really bothers me (especially given the time it was written), and
: much that actually seems sympathetic to women (again, especially
: given the time). Now Hammett's life is another story, but then, this
: ain't People Magazine.

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