Re: RARA-AVIS: Hard-boiled

Jean-Francois LE RUYET (
Mon, 4 Oct 1999 14:33:43 +0100

Martha wrote

>Neil, how about Dannie Martin? Don't know how well-known he is, but he's
>had two books out--In The Hat and The Dishwasher. Martin's an ex-con
>(how's that for credentials) whose heroes are.....ex-cons. There's not a
>respectable lead character in the Hat book (maybe that's why it's so
>good) and the Dishwasher is a classicly constructed noir story--ex-con
>stuck in a small town fighting for his kind of justice, his life and his

I agree Dannie Martin's books are worth reading. The Dishwasher was translated and published here in France six months ago by L'Atalante, a French medium-sized publishing house.


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