RARA-AVIS: Berlin Noir?

ejm duggan (ejmd@cwcom.net)
Sat, 02 Oct 1999 13:02:47 +0000

Jeff Lander <jeffl@darwin3d.com> wrote:

> I am headed to Germany for a much needed vacation and thought some
> regional travel material would be nice.


> Any other recommendations?

Take a look at Julian Rathbone's _Brandenburg Concerto_ (Serpent's Tail) which may be (my memory is no better than it's ever been) part of a series. Set in contemporary Germany, it's about a missing train.

See also anything by Pieke Biermann (titles escape me), a German writer whose stuff has been translated into English (also published by Serpent's Tail). Biermann's PI stuff is set in Berlin, and again I think she *may* have written more than one, but I'm not certain.

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