A.N.Smith (ansmith@netdoor.com)
Thu, 30 Sep 1999 17:23:48 -0500
I've heard Willard's name mentioned several times, but have
only seen one short story from him, not crime/noir. A friend
of mine swears Down on Ponce is pretty good. Maybe I'll see
Same with Bruen.
"Up and coming" in my mind means the people who have made an
impression although they have very little work published.
They'll go on to do great things in the crime field because
some editor out there happens to "get" what they're doing at
the right time, you know? Several people mentioned fit that
bill so far. Harrington's interesting because he had a book
out from St. Martin but then had to go small press for the
next one. DMcM is publishing some fantastic original
contemporary stuff that everyone should catch on to
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