Re: RARA-AVIS: noir on tv?

Mari Hall (
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 22:35:30 -0500

Martha Fischer wrote:
> oh oh me me!!!! homicide was a phenomenal program, imho...makes me thankful
> for (of all things) court tv, which shows 2 episodes/day. i love to see the
> first season, just to watch those actors working together...i remember
> reading about this movie when the series was officially cancelled, and while
> i share teri's hope about the cast, my guess is that it is much more likely
> to be the john seda crew....still, though, i'll take what i can get.
> martha

Yeah, and Tom Fontana was so nice at B'con in Philly. Plus, there was a wonderful article in the magazine Crime Time early on which had all the episodes from the first year through about the third or fourth.

from Mari Hall
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