RE: RARA-AVIS: Thoughts on James Ellroy

Michael Chong (
Thu, 16 Sep 1999 09:47:55 -0400

Neil Smith wrote:

> I guess what I've been most disappointed
> with from Ellroy is his recent GQ fiction, in which he seems to be
> parodying
> himself instead of pushing ahead. I'm hoping that changes with the next
> novel, which he's taken far too long to write.
I have to agree with Neil. White Jazz is my favorite Ellroy and his latest short stuff compiled in Crime Wave left me soft. Danny Getchell, the narrator of a few of the shorts in Crime Wave, is supposed to be the protagonist of the next novel. Alliteration for 500 pages. Reading ripe raunch.

Did anyone else notice that the figure on the cover of Crime Wave is a facsimile of the shooting range targets in Thompson and Kubrick's The Killing?


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