10 Sep 99 08:57:00 -0400
Re Neil's query:
"would anyone have suggestions regarding good up and coming
women noir writers?"
I can't exactly call her "up and coming" since she's been a
published writer for more than 30 years, but retired NYC
Transit Police Detective Dorothy Uhnak's cop novels are
tough, gritty, urban, and hard-edged, yet compassionate and
sensitive. My only problem with her is that she writes so
Her first cop novel predates Wambaugh's first by two or three
years. An argument could be made that it was Det. Uhnak, not
Sgt. Wambaugh, who started the cop-novelist trend leading to
writers like William Caunitz, Gerald Petievitch, Joseph
McNamara, Paul Bishop, etc. It goes without saying that
female officers who've become novelists, like Anne Wingate or
Nevada Barr, owe Ms. Uhank a big debt. - Jim Doherty
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