Re: RARA-AVIS: Sanders

Mark Sullivan (
Fri, 23 Jul 1999 23:38:28 -0400 (EDT)

Mario wrote:
<<....and _The Anderson Tapes_ by Sanders. I recalled a passable suspense movie of the same name, and the blurbs looked enticing. Alas, the book was indigestible and poorly written, though the central idea was very good.>>

That was exactly my take on the book when I read it many years ago: great idea, poor realization and execution. I never read another Sanders, figuring if he couldn't hold my interest with such a great premise, he was never going to.

But that premise. There was such potential to work with the paranoia of total surveillance, a somewhat novel idea at the time, or expose the territorialism of various law enforcement agencies, tweaking them for holding every little piece of the plan for an upcoming crime among them, but, since none of the bureaucracies would share, the various pieces were never put together. Has anyone done this idea justice since? If so, I'd like to read it.


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