RARA-AVIS: Parker on A&E

Gerald So (gso@optonline.net)
Sat, 10 Jul 1999 07:03:22 -0400

Hello, all.

    Sunday, July 18th is not only SMALL VICES premiere night, but Robert Parker will also be featured on A&E's "Open Book" program earlier in the day. Details below. Visit AandE.com for Central, Mountain, and Pacific times.

________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, July 18 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM EDT
      Open Book
      Robert Parker "Hush Money".

      Host Peri Peltz and Robert Parker discuss his latest book "Hush Money". She also reviews Diane von Furstenberg's "A Signature Life", T.C. Boyle's "Riven Rock and Stories", and Tina Flaherty's "Talk Your Way to the Top". [TV G]

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