RARA-AVIS: W.R. Burnett on the Reading list

29 Jun 99 13:19:00 -0400

     I just finished the Chicago cop story article I asked for help on some
     time back. Thanks to all who assisted.
     In the writing of it, I went on a W.R. Burnett binge. I read one
     novel (*Big Stan*), several short stories (including "Suspect"), and
     saw three movies either based on Burnett books or with scripts by
     Burnett (*Scarface*, *The Asphalt Jungle*, and *Beast of the City*).
     Have we ever done a Burnett book? If not, how about *The Asphalt
     Jungle*? Kathy Harper lauds it as one of the best hard-boiled crime
     novels ever written (and on the evidence of the film version she's
     probably right). Moreover, Kathy's working on a dissertation on
     Burnett, and it's possible one of us might just come up with a new
     insight that would help her. (Not likely, I grant you, but possible).
      And we'd have her highly informed comments to enhance our enjoyment
     of the book. - Jim Doherty

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