e j m duggan (ejmd@cwcom.net)
Sun, 27 Jun 1999 22:29:09 +0000
On Fri, 25 Jun 1999, "Douglas Greene" <dgreene@odu.edu>
> The stories that Mr. Duggan listed are "uncollected"
only in the
> sense (as he indicated)that they didn't appear in
the relatively
> recent cloth collections.
Yes; though I should add that I was referring to Hammett's
*Op* stories (I don't know if I made that clear
> The only genuinely uncollected Hammett I know of
> "The Road Home"
> "The Crusader"
> "The Diamond Wager"
'The Road Home' can be found in Herbert Ruhm, ed., _The
Hard-boiled Detective_ (along with 'The Gutting of
[I think the paperback version of Ruhm has a couple of
stories cut from it ... or maybe I'm mixing this up with the
pb/hb versions of the Joe Shaw edited collection?]
I don't know the other two stories Doug mentions: is 'The
Crusader' the one with Klan robes? I can't put a story to
'The Diamond Wager' at all.
> As I mentioned, a new(ish) THIN MAN will appear next
year, and
> some time ago a scenario written by Hammett for a
THIN MAN movie
> was published in THE NEW BLACK MASK.
There are plenty of copies of The New Black Mask to be had on
line, between about $5 - $12 each. 'The Thin Man' is split
over two issues: it begins in issue 5 and is concluded in
issue 6. [There were eight issues of New Black Mask in all --
I just completed my set recently].
_City_ magazine is rarer -- I picked up a cheap copy online a
couple of years ago -- IIRC, when it turns up on ABE, it's
priced at $50+.
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