Re: RARA-AVIS: Daniel Pennac

Duane Spurlock (
Sat, 19 Jun 1999 09:09:37 -0400

>>First, Sebastien Japrisot, now Daniel Pennac, pulls me out of the
>I know of at least two of Pennac's books that have English translation
>because I have both of them in my store. Both are UK publications. One is
>The Fairy Gunmother (could that be La Fee Carabine?), available in
>paperback, and the other is The Scapegoat, available in hardback

Gunmother is nicely entertaining with interestingly drawn characters delineated in that slightly aloof French manner -- or maybe that's the effect of translation? T any rate, I was reminded slightly of the kind of pleasure I get from reading Yellowthred Street books. -- Duane

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