<< >(Incidentally, HB writer Richard Sale was
ghosting the Doc Savage
>The Mystic Mullah but Dent's comments on Sale's style
made him quit, so Dent
>finished it himself.)
<< So, is it worth looking up for Sale's contribution?
How close is it to his
own books? I don't particularly care for Doc Savage, but I
DO enjoy Sale! >>
Sale didn't write The Mystic Mullah. Dent supplied the
plot/characters, plus
an outline, to his ghost writers and then let them get on
with it. However,
he exercised some quality control and rewrote where
necessary. In Sale's
case, after Sale had a try, Dent wrote a 10-point letter
explaining what he
wanted changing. Sale refused, so Dent wrote the novel. How
much of it is
Sale's I don't know.
- noir paul
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