RARA-AVIS: Re: Martin Cruz Smith/Iceberg Slim

Sandra Hess (shess@sirius.com)
Tue, 04 May 1999 12:37:34 -0700 San Francisco Bay Area Rara-Avians have an opportunity to see Martin Cruz Smith on
Thurs., June 3rd at 7:30 pm at Book Passages in Corte Madera (800) 999-7909. It's
safe to assume he'll read from his newest: HAVANA. According to the mailer I
received from BP, "Seats are reserved for the first 150 people buying a copy of
HAVANA at BP. A benefit for the Marin Literacy Project."

I'm a third of the way thru this month's book, PIMP and planning on plowing my way
through over the next couple of days. Is it the language or the content that
qualifies this book as hardboiled? Or both? I've read a number of books by people
who were at one point street kids or suffered at the hands of abusive parents in
bleak circumstances; HARD CITY and ROCK AND A HARD PLACE come to mind. I didn't
think of those books as hardboiled. Likewise, I think there's a lot of heart in PIMP
underneath all the jingo. I've still got a ways to go in completing this book, but
I'm curious about what it is in this book that categorizes it as hardboiled.

Sandra Hess
San Francisco

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