RARA-AVIS: Welles' Dead Calm

RAOUL DAVIS (raoul1@home.com)
Tue, 27 Apr 1999 17:20:23 +0000 Will anyone ever see anything of Orson Welles' film of Charles
Williams' Dead Calm? It was filmed in the late '60s off the coast
of Yugoslavia and partially edited but never completed. After the
release of the incomplete It's All True and Don Quixote I was
hoping some version of this might be forthcoming, even if only
for a film festival showing. Has anyone heard of any surfacing
of this material anywhere?
. Considering
Lady from Shanghai and Touch of Evil, how tantalizing to
think there is another Welles noir feature out there
somewhere, even if in bruised and battered condition.

Orson was clearly a connoisseur of noir and hardboiled
fiction and 50s paperbacks. He had also once planned to adapt
Jim Thompson's A Hell of a Woman. Another intriguing what
might have been....

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