I read them in sequence (the titles are usually printed in
starting with Deep Blue Goodby, on the "other books by" page)
and I'm
glad I did. Nothing is "given away" in later books and
MacDonald only
once or twice even refers to anything that happened in a past
As a matter of fact, although McGee often mentions his last
job, it's
seldom if ever from a past book.
Still, the early books, first 9 or 10, are a bit better (Pale
Gray being
one of the best) and you do get to know Travis over the
course of the
series. So if you can't easily find the books before Pale
Gray, nothing
will be ruined, but if you're like most people, once you've
read one you
will have to read them all and you might as well do them in
order. I
guess I'm assuming they are all still in print, but if
they're not, all
of them went through enough printings they are very easy to
find in used
book stores.
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