"Pulp Adventures" #11 (Fall 1998) had an article on John K.
Butler, who
wrote stories featuring Rex Lonergan, Rod Case (a telephone
investigator!), Tricky Enright, and Steve Midnight. Adventure
House has
reprinted all the Midnight stories (nine, I think) in one
volume, _At the
Stroke of Midnight_. It looked good, but I didn't get it, and
of course
now I think I should have. Anyone familiar with the Midnight
stories, or
other Butler stuff? He has a story in Goulart's _Hard-Boiled
Dicks_, but
I don't remember it.
Trviai: Butler is in that famous photo of the "Black Mask"
sitting beside Chandler.
-- William Denton : Toronto, Canada : http://www.vex.net/~buff/ : Caveat lector.
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