Re: RARA-AVIS: Hardboiled

Diane Trap (
Wed, 14 Apr 1999 13:37:54 -0400 (EDT) >
> I'd like to see some discussion on what makes one mystery
> hardboiled--and another not.

This is a topic that seems to come up every other month or so. From
what I can remember of those discussions, these seem to be the points
most agreed upon:

1) Hardboiled novels do not contain charming grannies, adorable
tots, or clever cats. If a granny, tot, or cat does appear
in a hardboiled novel, it should leave as roadkill within fifty pages
or less.

2) If a male and female character have more contact with each other
than the brush of an elbow, the novel is not hardboiled, it is a romance.

3) Boys read hardboiled mysteries, girls read cozies.

-----Diane Trap

> Jerry Buck
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