The books is _God is a Bullet_ by Boston Teran.
I don't have any connection with Teran, his publisher, agent,
his dog or
anything else, so this post is primarily a service to people
on the list.
(Although, I gave the book a rave response, turned Bill Diehl
onto it, he
went crazy over it and started calling his friends, they
called their
friends, and the buzz is still building.)
My suggestion is that you buy this book immediatly, read it,
and be
prepared to have it knock you on your rear end, It's an
outstanding hard
boiled read.
Trust me on this. It's an incredible novel and has the best
hard boiled
female character I've ever read. Teran writes with a blow
Fred Willard
Down on Ponce a novel by Fred Willard
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