Re: RARA-AVIS: Re: Elmore Leonard

M-T (
Thu, 25 Mar 1999 12:21:28 -0500 Kevin Smith:

<<Leonard also recalls places and events from earlier books. I think in
one book a pivotal scene takes place in a Detroit bar called Sportstrees
(or something like that). A few books later, when a character is going
through some Detroiter's pockets, a matchbook from Sportstree's shows
up. Not earth-shattering, but I love stuff like this, and author's who
take the time to do it, suggesting that Leonard's novels are all really
part of one big interconnected story.>>

Sportree, owner of Sportree's, is an important character in _Swag_, a
book I cannot recommend highly enough.

<<Carl Hiassen and Stephen King also do it, and didn't Faulkner do it as
well? And there must be other crime writers who do it, although I can't
think of any right now.>>

Yes, Faulkner had a host of recurring characters and families. Somehow
he kept track of all of them and avoided inconsistencies. P.G. Wodehouse
did it too, brilliantly of course. He had charts.

I would like to give Hiaasen a second chance, after being turned off
years ago by his glibness and unconvincing characterization. How is his
recent work?


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