Re: RARA-AVIS: Short Story Roots of Chandler's novels
23 Mar 99 10:27:00 -0500 --UNS_gsauns2_3082547491
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RE EJM Duggan's recent post:

"According to Philip Durham's introduction to the _Killer in the Rain_
collection, three such stories were published while Chandler was alive:

"'No Crime in the Mountains', in Antony Boucher, ed., _Great American
Detective Stories_ (1945)

"'The Man who liked Dogs', in Joseph T. Shaw, ed., _The Hard Boiled
Omnibus_ (1946)

"'Bay City Blues', in _Verdict_ (1953)

"Durham notes that these were 'mistakes', published w/o Chandler's

The one I was aware of was "The Man Who Liked Dogs" in *Omnibus*. I
didn't know about "Bay City Blues," but since my point was that
Chandler didn't consider "No Crime in the Mountains" to be
cannibilized, the fact that it *was* reprinted during his lifetime
buttresses my point. - Jim Doherty


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