Duane Spurlock (dspurlock@earthlink.net)
Sat, 6 Mar 1999 00:57:05 -0500 For those on the list who enjoy writers of the pulp era -- and anyone who
reads Hammett or Chandler would be included -- you might be interested in
attending PulpCon. You don't have to be a pulp collector, just someone who
enjoys pulp writing.

This year the con will be in Dayton, OH. The con is scheduled for July
9-10-11 1999. Why think about it so early, you ask? The registration fees go
up the closer to the con's scheduled date. Memberships are $10 until March
31. April 1 through May 30, memberships are $20. June memberships are $25.
At the door: $30. One-day, at the door for Saturday is $20.

For more info, check this URL:
-- Duane

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