>In keeping with the "What is/is not hard-boiled?"
discussion, a question
>from someone fairly new to the detective genre. Would
Tony Hillerman's
>Navajo mysteries qualify as hard-boiled? From what
I've read, they hit most
>of the defining points suggesting by the Rara Avis
group, but I'm not sure
>that they have the "backdrop of institutionalized
Glad you raised the question, Chris. I like Hillerman alot,
live near
where he was raised (Pott. County, Oklahoma), and have read
all but the
latest. But, right, I wouldn't call him hard-boiled, in part
for the
reason you give. In one, however, (The Ghostway, I think),
Chee tangles
with a hitman from L.A., and things turn hard around the
edges. Always
thought *A Fly on the Wall* was close, if not HB. (It's not a
mystery, however.)
Bill Hagen
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