Re: RARA-AVIS: Wormser Rocks!

Duane Spurlock (
Tue, 9 Feb 1999 07:00:50 -0500 PERFECT PIGEON is the only Wormser I've read, and it was pretty good. Short,
too, as Bill mentioned about another Wormser novel.

I've seen Wormser's name on Mafia books that came out about the time THE
GODFATHER hit it big. "From the publishers who brought you THE GODFATHER" is
one blurb I recall seeing.

For some reason I sometimes confuse Wormser with Richard Sale. Sale wrote
for the pulps and the PBO publishers, but I'm not sure whether Wormser was a
pulp writer. ANy knowledgable Wormser fans with the answers out there? --

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